rfc9710v1.txt   rfc9710.txt 
skipping to change at line 189 skipping to change at line 189
4.1. sourceTransportPort 4.1. sourceTransportPort
4.1.1. OLD 4.1.1. OLD
Description: The source port identifier in the transport header. Description: The source port identifier in the transport header.
For the transport protocols UDP, TCP, and SCTP, this is the source For the transport protocols UDP, TCP, and SCTP, this is the source
port number given in the respective header. This field MAY also port number given in the respective header. This field MAY also
be used for future transport protocols that have 16-bit source be used for future transport protocols that have 16-bit source
port identifiers. port identifiers.
Additional Information: See [RFC768] for the definition of the UDP Additional Information: See [RFC0768] for the definition of the UDP
source port field. source port field.
See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field. See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field.
See [RFC9260] for the definition of SCTP. See [RFC9260] for the definition of SCTP.
Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can be Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can be
found at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port- found at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-
numbers]. numbers].
4.1.2. NEW 4.1.2. NEW
Description: The source port identifier in the transport protocol Description: The source port identifier in the transport protocol
header. For transport protocols such as UDP, TCP, SCTP, and DCCP, header. For transport protocols such as UDP, TCP, SCTP, and DCCP,
this is the source port number given in the respective header. this is the source port number given in the respective header.
This field MAY also be used for future transport protocols that This field MAY also be used for future transport protocols that
have 16-bit source port identifiers. have 16-bit source port identifiers.
Additional Information: See [RFC768] for the definition of the UDP Additional Information: See [RFC0768] for the definition of the UDP
source port field. source port field.
See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field. See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field.
See [RFC9260] for the definition of the SCTP source port number See [RFC9260] for the definition of the SCTP source port number
field. field.
See [RFC4340] for the definition of the DCCP source port field. See [RFC4340] for the definition of the DCCP source port field.
See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, SCTP, and See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, SCTP, and
DCCP) port numbers at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service- DCCP) port numbers [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-
names-port-numbers]. names-port-numbers].
4.2. destinationTransportPort 4.2. destinationTransportPort
4.2.1. OLD 4.2.1. OLD
Description: The destination port identifier in the transport Description: The destination port identifier in the transport
header. For the transport protocols UDP, TCP, and SCTP, this is header. For the transport protocols UDP, TCP, and SCTP, this is
the destination port number given in the respective header. This the destination port number given in the respective header. This
field MAY also be used for future transport protocols that have field MAY also be used for future transport protocols that have
16-bit destination port identifiers. 16-bit destination port identifiers.
Additional Information: See [RFC768] for the definition of the UDP Additional Information: See [RFC0768] for the definition of the UDP
source port field. source port field.
See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field. See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field.
See [RFC9260] for the definition of SCTP. See [RFC9260] for the definition of SCTP.
Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can be Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can be
found at https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port- found at https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-
numbers. numbers.
4.2.2. NEW 4.2.2. NEW
Description: The destination port identifier in the transport Description: The destination port identifier in the transport
protocol header. For transport protocols such as UDP, TCP, SCTP, protocol header. For transport protocols such as UDP, TCP, SCTP,
and DCCP, this is the destination port number given in the and DCCP, this is the destination port number given in the
respective header. This field MAY also be used for future respective header. This field MAY also be used for future
transport protocols that have 16-bit destination port identifiers. transport protocols that have 16-bit destination port identifiers.
Additional Information: See [RFC768] for the definition of the UDP Additional Information: See [RFC0768] for the definition of the UDP
destination port field. destination port field.
See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP destination port See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP destination port
field. field.
See [RFC9260] for the definition of the SCTP destination port See [RFC9260] for the definition of the SCTP destination port
number field. number field.
See [RFC4340] for the definition of the DCCP destination port See [RFC4340] for the definition of the DCCP destination port
field. field.
See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, SCTP, and See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, SCTP, and
DCCP) port numbers at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service- DCCP) port numbers [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-
names-port-numbers]. names-port-numbers].
4.3. forwardingStatus 4.3. forwardingStatus
The current forwardingStatus entry in [IANA-IPFIX] deviates from what The current forwardingStatus entry in [IANA-IPFIX] deviates from what
is provided in [RFC7270]. In particular, the registered Abstract is provided in [RFC7270]. In particular, the registered Abstract
Data Type is unsigned8, while it must be unsigned32. The following Data Type is unsigned8, while it must be unsigned32. The following
update fixes that issue. The description is also updated to clarify update fixes that issue. The description is also updated to clarify
the use of the reduced-size encoding as per Section 6.2 of [RFC7011]. the use of the reduced-size encoding as per Section 6.2 of [RFC7011].
skipping to change at line 340 skipping to change at line 340
binary: 01000000 binary: 01000000
decode: 01 -> Forward decode: 01 -> Forward
000000 -> No further information 000000 -> No further information
value : 0x89 = 137 value : 0x89 = 137
binary: 10001001 binary: 10001001
decode: 10 -> Drop decode: 10 -> Drop
001001 -> Bad TTL 001001 -> Bad TTL
Additional Information: See "NetFlow Version 9 Flow-Record Format" Additional Information: See "NetFlow Version 9 Flow-Record Format"
[CCO-NF9FMT]. See the "Forwarding Status (Value 89)" registry at [CCO-NF9FMT]. See the "Forwarding Status (Value 89)" registry
[https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix]. [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix].
Abstract Data Type: unsigned32 Abstract Data Type: unsigned32
4.4. collectorTransportPort 4.4. collectorTransportPort
4.4.1. OLD 4.4.1. OLD
Description: The destination port identifier to which the Exporting Description: The destination port identifier to which the Exporting
Process sends Flow information. For the transport protocols UDP, Process sends Flow information. For the transport protocols UDP,
TCP, and SCTP, this is the destination port number. This field TCP, and SCTP, this is the destination port number. This field
MAY also be used for future transport protocols that have 16-bit MAY also be used for future transport protocols that have 16-bit
source port identifiers. source port identifiers.
Additional Information: See [RFC768] for the definition of the UDP Additional Information: See [RFC0768] for the definition of the UDP
source port field. source port field.
See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field. See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field.
See [RFC9260] for the definition of SCTP. See [RFC9260] for the definition of SCTP.
Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can be Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can be
found at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port- found at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-
numbers]. numbers].
4.4.2. NEW 4.4.2. NEW
Description: The destination port identifier to which the Exporting Description: The destination port identifier to which the Exporting
Process sends Flow information. For transport protocols such as Process sends Flow information. For transport protocols such as
UDP, TCP, and SCTP, this is the destination port number. This UDP, TCP, and SCTP, this is the destination port number. This
field MAY also be used for future transport protocols that have field MAY also be used for future transport protocols that have
16-bit source port identifiers. 16-bit source port identifiers.
Additional Information: See [RFC768] for the definition of the UDP Additional Information: See [RFC0768] for the definition of the UDP
destination port field. destination port field.
See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP destination port See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP destination port
field. field.
See [RFC9260] for the definition of the SCTP destination port See [RFC9260] for the definition of the SCTP destination port
number field. number field.
See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, and SCTP) See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, and SCTP)
port numbers at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names- port numbers [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-
port-numbers]. numbers].
4.5. exporterTransportPort 4.5. exporterTransportPort
4.5.1. OLD 4.5.1. OLD
Description: The source port identifier from which the Exporting Description: The source port identifier from which the Exporting
Process sends Flow information. For the transport protocols UDP, Process sends Flow information. For the transport protocols UDP,
TCP, and SCTP, this is the source port number. This field MAY TCP, and SCTP, this is the source port number. This field MAY
also be used for future transport protocols that have 16-bit also be used for future transport protocols that have 16-bit
source port identifiers. This field may be useful for source port identifiers. This field may be useful for
distinguishing multiple Exporting Processes that use the same IP distinguishing multiple Exporting Processes that use the same IP
address. address.
Additional Information: See [RFC768] for the definition of the UDP Additional Information: See [RFC0768] for the definition of the UDP
source port field. source port field.
See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field. See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field.
See [RFC9260] for the definition of SCTP. See [RFC9260] for the definition of SCTP.
Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can be Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can be
found at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port- found at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-
numbers]. numbers].
4.5.2. NEW 4.5.2. NEW
Description: The source port identifier from which the Exporting Description: The source port identifier from which the Exporting
Process sends Flow information. For transport protocols such as Process sends Flow information. For transport protocols such as
UDP, TCP, and SCTP, this is the source port number. This field UDP, TCP, and SCTP, this is the source port number. This field
MAY also be used for future transport protocols that have 16-bit MAY also be used for future transport protocols that have 16-bit
source port identifiers. source port identifiers.
Additional Information: See [RFC768] for the definition of the UDP Additional Information: See [RFC0768] for the definition of the UDP
source port field. source port field.
See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field. See [RFC9293] for the definition of the TCP source port field.
See [RFC9260] for the definition of the SCTP source port number See [RFC9260] for the definition of the SCTP source port number
field. field.
See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, and SCTP) See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, and SCTP)
port numbers at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names- port numbers [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-
port-numbers]. numbers].
5. Point to an Existing IANA Registry 5. Point to an Existing IANA Registry
IANA has updated the following entries by adding the indicated IANA has updated the following entries by adding the indicated
"Additional Information" to the [IANA-IPFIX] registry. (In Table 1, "Additional Information" to the [IANA-IPFIX] registry. (In Table 1,
"EltID" is short for "ElementID".) "ID" refers to "ElementID".)
+=====+=======================+====================================+ +===+=========================+=====================================+
|EltID|Name | Additional Information | |ID | Name | Additional Information |
+=====+=======================+====================================+ +===+=========================+=====================================+
|32 |icmpTypeCodeIPv4 | See "ICMP Type Numbers" at | |32 | icmpTypeCodeIPv4 | See the "ICMP Type Numbers" |
| | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ | | | | registry |
| | | icmp-parameters] | | | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ |
+-----+-----------------------+------------------------------------+ | | | icmp-parameters] |
|33 |igmpType | See "IGMP Type Numbers" at | +---+-------------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ | |33 | igmpType | See the "IGMP Type Numbers" |
| | | igmp-type-numbers] | | | | registry |
+-----+-----------------------+------------------------------------+ | | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ |
|139 |icmpTypeCodeIPv6 | See "ICMPv6 'type' Numbers" and | | | | igmp-type-numbers] |
| | | "ICMPv6 'Code' Fields" at | +---+-------------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ | |139| icmpTypeCodeIPv6 | See the "ICMPv6 'type' Numbers" |
| | | icmpv6-parameters] | | | | and "ICMPv6 'Code' Fields" |
+-----+-----------------------+------------------------------------+ | | | registries |
|176 |icmpTypeIPv4 | See "ICMP Type Numbers" at | | | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ |
| | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ | | | | icmpv6-parameters] |
| | | icmp-parameters] | +---+-------------------------+-------------------------------------+
+-----+-----------------------+------------------------------------+ |176| icmpTypeIPv4 | See the "ICMP Type Numbers" |
|177 |icmpCodeIPv4 | See "ICMP Type Numbers" at | | | | registry |
| | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ | | | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ |
| | | icmp-parameters] | | | | icmp-parameters] |
+-----+-----------------------+------------------------------------+ +---+-------------------------+-------------------------------------+
|178 |icmpTypeIPv6 | See "ICMPv6 'type' Numbers" at | |177| icmpCodeIPv4 | See the "ICMP Type Numbers" |
| | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ | | | | registry |
| | | icmpv6-parameters] | | | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ |
+-----+-----------------------+------------------------------------+ | | | icmp-parameters] |
|179 |icmpCodeIPv6 | See "ICMPv6 'Code' Fields" at | +---+-------------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ | |178| icmpTypeIPv6 | See the "ICMPv6 'type' Numbers" |
| | | icmpv6-parameters] | | | | registry |
+-----+-----------------------+------------------------------------+ | | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ |
|346 |privateEnterpriseNumber| See "Private Enterprise Numbers | | | | icmpv6-parameters] |
| | | (PENs)" at | +---+-------------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | | https://www.iana.org/assignments/ | |179| icmpCodeIPv6 | See the "ICMPv6 'Code' Fields" |
| | | enterprise-numbers] | | | | registry |
+-----+-----------------------+------------------------------------+ | | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ |
| | | icmpv6-parameters] |
|346| privateEnterpriseNumber | See the "Private Enterprise |
| | | Numbers (PENs)" registry |
| | | [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ |
| | | enterprise-numbers] |
Table 1: Cite an IANA Registry Under Additional Information Table 1: Cite an IANA Registry Under Additional Information
6. Consistent Citation of IANA Registries 6. Consistent Citation of IANA Registries
IANA has updated the "IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Entities" IANA has updated the "IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Entities"
registry [IANA-IPFIX] for each of the IE entries listed in the registry [IANA-IPFIX] for each of the IE entries listed in the
following subsections. following subsections.
6.1. mplsTopLabelType 6.1. mplsTopLabelType
6.1.1. OLD 6.1.1. OLD
skipping to change at line 504 skipping to change at line 511
See the list of MPLS label types assigned by IANA at See the list of MPLS label types assigned by IANA at
[https://www.iana.org/assignments/mpls-label-values]. [https://www.iana.org/assignments/mpls-label-values].
6.1.2. NEW 6.1.2. NEW
Description: This field identifies the control protocol that Description: This field identifies the control protocol that
allocated the top-of-stack label. Values for this field are allocated the top-of-stack label. Values for this field are
listed in the MPLS label type registry. listed in the MPLS label type registry.
Additional Information: See the IPFIX MPLS label type registry Additional Information: See the IPFIX MPLS label types (Value 46)
[https://www.iana.org/assignments/mpls-label-values]. [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix].
See [RFC3031] for the MPLS label structure. See [RFC3031] for the MPLS label structure.
6.2. classificationEngineId 6.2. classificationEngineId
6.2.1. OLD 6.2.1. OLD
Description: A unique identifier for the engine that determined the Description: A unique identifier for the engine that determined the
Selector ID. Thus, the Classification Engine ID defines the Selector ID. Thus, the Classification Engine ID defines the
context for the Selector ID. The Classification Engine can be context for the Selector ID. The Classification Engine can be
skipping to change at line 733 skipping to change at line 740
Additional Information: See [RFC3022] for the definition of NAT. Additional Information: See [RFC3022] for the definition of NAT.
See [RFC1631] for the definition of NAT44. See [RFC1631] for the definition of NAT44.
See [RFC6144] for the definition of NAT64. See [RFC6144] for the definition of NAT64.
See [RFC6146] for the definition of NAT46. See [RFC6146] for the definition of NAT46.
See [RFC6296] for the definition of NAT66. See [RFC6296] for the definition of NAT66.
See [RFC791] for the definition of IPv4. See [RFC0791] for the definition of IPv4.
See [RFC8200] for the definition of IPv6. See [RFC8200] for the definition of IPv6.
6.10.2. NEW 6.10.2. NEW
Description: This Information Element identifies the NAT type Description: This Information Element identifies the NAT type
applied to packets of the Flow. applied to packets of the Flow.
Values are listed in the natType registry. Values are listed in the natType registry.
skipping to change at line 755 skipping to change at line 762
[https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix]. [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix].
See [RFC3022] for the definition of NAT (commonly named NAT44). See [RFC3022] for the definition of NAT (commonly named NAT44).
See [RFC6144] for the definition of NAT46. See [RFC6144] for the definition of NAT46.
See [RFC6146] for the definition of NAT64. See [RFC6146] for the definition of NAT64.
See [RFC6296] for the definition of NPTv6. See [RFC6296] for the definition of NPTv6.
See [RFC791] for the definition of IPv4. See [RFC0791] for the definition of IPv4.
See [RFC8200] for the definition of IPv6. See [RFC8200] for the definition of IPv6.
6.11. selectorAlgorithm 6.11. selectorAlgorithm
6.11.1. OLD 6.11.1. OLD
Description: This Information Element identifies the packet Description: This Information Element identifies the packet
selection methods (e.g., Filtering, Sampling) that are applied by selection methods (e.g., Filtering, Sampling) that are applied by
the Selection Process. Most of these methods have parameters. the Selection Process. Most of these methods have parameters.
skipping to change at line 823 skipping to change at line 830
type names, not to provide a mechanism for adding data types to type names, not to provide a mechanism for adding data types to
the IPFIX Protocol, and as such requires a Standards Action the IPFIX Protocol, and as such requires a Standards Action
[RFC8126] to modify. [RFC8126] to modify.
6.12.2. NEW 6.12.2. NEW
Description: A description of the abstract data type of an IPFIX Description: A description of the abstract data type of an IPFIX
information element. These are taken from the abstract data types information element. These are taken from the abstract data types
defined in Section 3.1 of the IPFIX Information Model [RFC5102]; defined in Section 3.1 of the IPFIX Information Model [RFC5102];
see that section for more information on the types described in see that section for more information on the types described in
the [informationElementDataType] subregistry. These types are the "IPFIX Information Element Data Types" registry (previously
registered in the "IPFIX Information Element Data Types" the "informationElementDataType" subregistry). These types are
subregistry. registered in the "IPFIX Information Element Data Types" registry.
The [informationElementDataType] subregistry is intended to assign The "IPFIX Information Element Data Types" registry is intended to
numbers for type names, not to provide a mechanism for adding data assign numbers for type names, not to provide a mechanism for
types to the IPFIX Protocol; as such, modifications require adding data types to the IPFIX Protocol; as such, modifications
Standards Action [RFC8126]. require Standards Action [RFC8126].
Additional Information: See the "IPFIX Information Element Data Additional Information: See the "IPFIX Information Element Data
Types" registry [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix]. Types" registry [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix].
6.13. informationElementSemantics 6.13. informationElementSemantics
6.13.1. OLD 6.13.1. OLD
Description: A description of the semantics of an IPFIX Information Description: A description of the semantics of an IPFIX Information
Element. These are taken from the data type semantics defined in Element. These are taken from the data type semantics defined in
skipping to change at line 893 skipping to change at line 900
special value 0x00 (none) is used to note that the field is special value 0x00 (none) is used to note that the field is
unitless. These types are registered in the [IANA IPFIX unitless. These types are registered in the [IANA IPFIX
Information Element Units] subregistry. Information Element Units] subregistry.
6.14.2. NEW 6.14.2. NEW
Description: A description of the units of an IPFIX Information Description: A description of the units of an IPFIX Information
Element. These correspond to the units implicitly defined in the Element. These correspond to the units implicitly defined in the
Information Element definitions in Section 5 of the IPFIX Information Element definitions in Section 5 of the IPFIX
Information Model [RFC5102]; see that section for more information Information Model [RFC5102]; see that section for more information
on the types described in the informationElementsUnits on the types described in the "IPFIX Information Element Units"
subregistry. These types can take the values in the [IANA IPFIX registry (previously the informationElementsUnits subregistry).
Information Element Units] subregistry. The special value 0x00 These types can take the values in the "IPFIX Information Element
(none) is used to note that the field is unitless. Units" registry. The special value 0x00 (none) is used to note
that the field is unitless.
Additional Information: See the "IPFIX Information Element Units" Additional Information: See the "IPFIX Information Element Units"
registry [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix]. registry [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix].
6.15. portRangeStart 6.15. portRangeStart
6.15.1. OLD 6.15.1. OLD
Description: The port number identifying the start of a range of Description: The port number identifying the start of a range of
ports. A value of zero indicates that the range start is not ports. A value of zero indicates that the range start is not
skipping to change at line 919 skipping to change at line 927
Additional information on defined TCP port numbers can be found at Additional information on defined TCP port numbers can be found at
https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers. https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers.
6.15.2. NEW 6.15.2. NEW
Description: The port number identifying the start of a range of Description: The port number identifying the start of a range of
port numbers. A value of zero indicates that the range start is port numbers. A value of zero indicates that the range start is
not specified, i.e., the range is defined in some other way. not specified, i.e., the range is defined in some other way.
Additional Information: See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., Additional Information: See the assigned transport protocol (e.g.,
UDP, TCP, SCTP, and DCCP) port numbers at UDP, TCP, SCTP, and DCCP) port numbers
[https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers]. [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers].
6.16. portRangeEnd 6.16. portRangeEnd
6.16.1. OLD 6.16.1. OLD
Description: The port number identifying the end of a range of Description: The port number identifying the end of a range of
ports. A value of zero indicates that the range end is not ports. A value of zero indicates that the range end is not
specified, ie the range is defined in some other way. Additional specified, ie the range is defined in some other way. Additional
information on defined TCP port numbers can be found at information on defined TCP port numbers can be found at
https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers. https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers.
6.16.2. NEW 6.16.2. NEW
Description: The port number identifying the end of a range of port Description: The port number identifying the end of a range of port
numbers. A value of zero indicates that the range end is not numbers. A value of zero indicates that the range end is not
specified, i.e., the range is defined in some other way. specified, i.e., the range is defined in some other way.
Additional Information: See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., Additional Information: See the assigned transport protocol (e.g.,
UDP, TCP, SCTP, and DCCP) port numbers at UDP, TCP, SCTP, and DCCP) port numbers
[https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers]. [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers].
6.17. ingressInterfaceType 6.17. ingressInterfaceType
6.17.1. OLD 6.17.1. OLD
Description: The type of interface where packets of this Flow are Description: The type of interface where packets of this Flow are
being received. The value matches the value of managed object being received. The value matches the value of managed object
'ifType' as defined in https://www.iana.org/assignments/ 'ifType' as defined in https://www.iana.org/assignments/
ianaiftype-mib. ianaiftype-mib.
skipping to change at line 1140 skipping to change at line 1148
observationTime* element should be paired with the OID using IPFIX observationTime* element should be paired with the OID using IPFIX
Structured Data [RFC6313]. Similarly, if different MIB capture Structured Data [RFC6313]. Similarly, if different MIB capture
times apply to different mibObjectValue elements within the Data times apply to different mibObjectValue elements within the Data
Record, then individual mibCaptureTimeSemantics Information Record, then individual mibCaptureTimeSemantics Information
Elements should be paired with each OID using IPFIX Structured Elements should be paired with each OID using IPFIX Structured
Data. Data.
Values are listed in the "mibCaptureTimeSemantics (Value 448)" Values are listed in the "mibCaptureTimeSemantics (Value 448)"
registry. registry.
Additional Information: Values are listed in the Additional Information: See the "mibCaptureTimeSemantics (Value
"mibCaptureTimeSemantics (Value 448)" registry. See 448)" registry [https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix].
6.23. natQuotaExceededEvent 6.23. natQuotaExceededEvent
6.23.1. OLD 6.23.1. OLD
Description: This Information Element identifies the type of a NAT Description: This Information Element identifies the type of a NAT
Quota Exceeded event. Values for this Information Element are Quota Exceeded event. Values for this Information Element are
listed in the "NAT Quota Exceeded Event Type" registry, see listed in the "NAT Quota Exceeded Event Type" registry, see
https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml#ipfix-nat- https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml#ipfix-nat-
quota-exceeded-event. quota-exceeded-event.
Additional Information: See [RFC791] for the definition of the IPv4 Additional Information: See [RFC0791] for the definition of the IPv4
source address field. source address field.
See [RFC3022] for the definition of NAT. See [RFC3022] for the definition of NAT.
See [RFC3234] for the definition of middleboxes. See [RFC3234] for the definition of middleboxes.
6.23.2. NEW 6.23.2. NEW
Description: This Information Element identifies the type of a NAT Description: This Information Element identifies the type of a NAT
Quota Exceeded event. Values for this Information Element are Quota Exceeded event. Values for this Information Element are
skipping to change at line 1183 skipping to change at line 1190
6.24. natThresholdEvent 6.24. natThresholdEvent
6.24.1. OLD 6.24.1. OLD
Description: This Information Element identifies a type of a NAT Description: This Information Element identifies a type of a NAT
Threshold event. Values for this Information Element are listed Threshold event. Values for this Information Element are listed
in the "NAT Threshold Event Type" registry, see in the "NAT Threshold Event Type" registry, see
https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml#ipfix-nat- https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml#ipfix-nat-
threshold-event. threshold-event.
Additional Information: See [RFC791] for the definition of the IPv4 Additional Information: See [RFC0791] for the definition of the IPv4
source address field. source address field.
See [RFC3022] for the definition of NAT. See [RFC3022] for the definition of NAT.
See [RFC3234] for the definition of middleboxes. See [RFC3234] for the definition of middleboxes.
6.24.2. NEW 6.24.2. NEW
Description: This Information Element identifies a type of a NAT Description: This Information Element identifies a type of a NAT
Threshold event. Values for this Information Element are listed Threshold event. Values for this Information Element are listed
skipping to change at line 1274 skipping to change at line 1281
7.3.1. OLD 7.3.1. OLD
+--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+ +--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+
| bit(s) | name | description | | bit(s) | name | description |
| (LSB = | | | | (LSB = | | |
| 0) | | | | 0) | | |
+--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+ +--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+
| 0-1 | SC | Stability Class: see the Stability Class | | 0-1 | SC | Stability Class: see the Stability Class |
| | | table below, and section Section 5.1. | | | | table below, and section Section 5.1. |
| 2 | PmA | Perimeter Anonymization: when set (1), | | 2 | PmA | Perimeter Anonymization: when set (1), |
| | | source- Information Elements as described in | | | | source Information Elements as described in |
| | | [RFC5103] are interpreted as external | | | | [RFC5103] are interpreted as external |
| | | addresses, and destination- Information | | | | addresses, and destination Information |
| | | Elements as described in [RFC5103] are | | | | Elements as described in [RFC5103] are |
| | | interpreted as internal addresses, for the | | | | interpreted as internal addresses, for the |
| | | purposes of associating | | | | purposes of associating |
| | | anonymizationTechnique to Information | | | | anonymizationTechnique to Information |
| | | Elements only; see Section 7.2.2 for details. | | | | Elements only; see Section 7.2.2 for details. |
| | | This bit MUST NOT be set when associated with | | | | This bit MUST NOT be set when associated with |
| | | a non-endpoint (i.e., source- or | | | | a non-endpoint (i.e., source or |
| | | destination-) Information Element. SHOULD be | | | | destination) Information Element. SHOULD be |
| | | consistent within a record (i.e., if a | | | | consistent within a record (i.e., if a |
| | | source- Information Element has this flag | | | | source Information Element has this flag |
| | | set, the corresponding destination- element | | | | set, the corresponding destination element |
| | | SHOULD have this flag set, and vice-versa.) | | | | SHOULD have this flag set, and vice-versa.) |
+--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+ +--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+
7.3.2. NEW 7.3.2. NEW
+--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+ +--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+
| bit(s) | name | description | | bit(s) | name | description |
| (LSB = | | | | (LSB = | | |
| 0) | | | | 0) | | |
+--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+ +--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+
| 0-1 | SC | Stability Class: see the Stability Class | | 0-1 | SC | Stability Class: see the Stability Class |
| | | table below, and Section 5.1 of [RFC6235]. | | | | table below, and Section 5.1 of [RFC6235]. |
| 2 | PmA | Perimeter Anonymization: when set (1), | | 2 | PmA | Perimeter Anonymization: when set (1), |
| | | source- Information Elements as described in | | | | source Information Elements as described in |
| | | [RFC5103] are interpreted as external | | | | [RFC5103] are interpreted as external |
| | | addresses, and destination- Information | | | | addresses, and destination Information |
| | | Elements as described in [RFC5103] are | | | | Elements as described in [RFC5103] are |
| | | interpreted as internal addresses, for the | | | | interpreted as internal addresses, for the |
| | | purposes of associating | | | | purposes of associating |
| | | anonymizationTechnique to Information | | | | anonymizationTechnique to Information |
| | | Elements only; see Section 7.2.2 of [RFC6235] | | | | Elements only; see Section 7.2.2 of [RFC6235] |
| | | for details. | | | | for details. |
| | | This bit MUST NOT be set when associated with | | | | This bit MUST NOT be set when associated with |
| | | a non-endpoint (i.e., source- or | | | | a non-endpoint (i.e., source or |
| | | destination-) Information Element. SHOULD be | | | | destination) Information Element. SHOULD be |
| | | consistent within a record (i.e., if a | | | | consistent within a record (i.e., if a |
| | | source- Information Element has this flag | | | | source Information Element has this flag |
| | | set, the corresponding destination- element | | | | set, the corresponding destination element |
| | | SHOULD have this flag set, and vice versa.) | | | | SHOULD have this flag set, and vice versa.) |
+--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+ +--------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+
7.4. informationElementDescription 7.4. informationElementDescription
7.4.1. OLD 7.4.1. OLD
Description: A UTF-8 [RFC3629] encoded Unicode string containing a Description: A UTF-8 [RFC3629] encoded Unicode string containing a
human-readable description of an Information Element. The content human-readable description of an Information Element. The content
of the informationElementDescription MAY be annotated with one or of the informationElementDescription MAY be annotated with one or
skipping to change at line 1426 skipping to change at line 1433
(IPFIX) Entities" registry group [IANA-IPFIX]. (IPFIX) Entities" registry group [IANA-IPFIX].
IANA has also updated references to the "Service Name and Transport IANA has also updated references to the "Service Name and Transport
Protocol Port Number" consistently throughout the registry as Protocol Port Number" consistently throughout the registry as
follows: follows:
OLD: Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can OLD: Additional information on defined UDP and TCP port numbers can
be found at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers. be found at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers.
NEW: See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, SCTP, and NEW: See the assigned transport protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, SCTP, and
DCCP) port numbers at [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service- DCCP) port numbers [https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-
names-port-numbers]. names-port-numbers].
10. References 10. References
10.1. Normative References 10.1. Normative References
IANA, "IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Entities", IANA, "IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Entities",
<https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix>. <https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix>.
skipping to change at line 1470 skipping to change at line 1477
2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>. May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
10.2. Informative References 10.2. Informative References
Cisco, "NetFlow Version 9 Flow-Record Format", May 2011, Cisco, "NetFlow Version 9 Flow-Record Format", May 2011,
<https://www.cisco.com/en/US/technologies/tk648/tk362/ <https://www.cisco.com/en/US/technologies/tk648/tk362/
technologies_white_paper09186a00800a3db9.html>. technologies_white_paper09186a00800a3db9.html>.
[RFC0768] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC 768,
DOI 10.17487/RFC0768, August 1980,
[RFC0791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
DOI 10.17487/RFC0791, September 1981,
[RFC1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321, [RFC1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321,
DOI 10.17487/RFC1321, April 1992, DOI 10.17487/RFC1321, April 1992,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1321>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1321>.
[RFC1631] Egevang, K. and P. Francis, "The IP Network Address [RFC1631] Egevang, K. and P. Francis, "The IP Network Address
Translator (NAT)", RFC 1631, DOI 10.17487/RFC1631, May Translator (NAT)", RFC 1631, DOI 10.17487/RFC1631, May
1994, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1631>. 1994, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1631>.
[RFC2277] Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character Sets and [RFC2277] Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character Sets and
Languages", BCP 18, RFC 2277, DOI 10.17487/RFC2277, Languages", BCP 18, RFC 2277, DOI 10.17487/RFC2277,
skipping to change at line 1596 skipping to change at line 1611
"Information Elements for Data Link Layer Traffic "Information Elements for Data Link Layer Traffic
Measurement", RFC 7133, DOI 10.17487/RFC7133, May 2014, Measurement", RFC 7133, DOI 10.17487/RFC7133, May 2014,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7133>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7133>.
[RFC7270] Yourtchenko, A., Aitken, P., and B. Claise, "Cisco- [RFC7270] Yourtchenko, A., Aitken, P., and B. Claise, "Cisco-
Specific Information Elements Reused in IP Flow Specific Information Elements Reused in IP Flow
Information Export (IPFIX)", RFC 7270, Information Export (IPFIX)", RFC 7270,
DOI 10.17487/RFC7270, June 2014, DOI 10.17487/RFC7270, June 2014,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7270>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7270>.
[RFC768] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC 768,
DOI 10.17487/RFC0768, August 1980,
[RFC791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
DOI 10.17487/RFC0791, September 1981,
[RFC8038] Aitken, P., Ed., Claise, B., S, S. B., McDowall, C., and [RFC8038] Aitken, P., Ed., Claise, B., S, S. B., McDowall, C., and
J. Schoenwaelder, "Exporting MIB Variables Using the IP J. Schoenwaelder, "Exporting MIB Variables Using the IP
Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol", RFC 8038, Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol", RFC 8038,
DOI 10.17487/RFC8038, May 2017, DOI 10.17487/RFC8038, May 2017,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8038>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8038>.
[RFC8126] Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for [RFC8126] Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for
Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,
RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017, RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8126>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8126>.
 End of changes. 38 change blocks. 
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